Delta Variant & COVID-19

Delta variant and COVID-19.

It is obvious that the existence of COVID-19 anywhere is a threat to COVID-19 everywhere. In the United States (US), cases are increasing but testing doesn’t seem to be keeping up. Therefore, the cases that are seen on the different are likely more. Yet, the US is number 4 in the world to have people who are fully vaccinated and rank at number six for one vaccine.

As of July 19, 2021

At least one vaccine Fully vaccinated (2 vaccines)
#1 Canada #1 United Kingdom
#2 United Kingdom #2 Spain
#3 Spain #3 Canada
#4 Italy #4 United States
#5 Geremany #5 Germany
#6 United States #6 Italy

Some people who had COVID-19 in the past are not sure if they should get the vaccine. We use to think that people who had COVID-19 would not need the vaccine or at best would need just one vaccine after 90 days or more after the infection or after all their symptoms had resolved.

Now, research has shown that people who had COVID-19 could be at risk of getting it again. The second time was shown to be fatal in some people. If you had COVID-19, it gave you an immune response. However, the vaccine will give you a stronger immune response that could give you better protection against COVID-19. This involves a better T cell response.

There are three things that the World Health Organization and others recommendations to do to reduce your chances of getting COVID-19. One is to get vaccinated if it’s not contraindicated by your health care professional. The second thing is that you should know the vaccination status of the people you hang around.

If you are hanging around people who are not vaccinated, this would put you at higher risk for COVID-19. The third thing is to know the vaccination status of your community and state. If vaccination rates are low, then you need to make sure you adhere strictly to the public health measures to stay safe.

Use this link to report register for the V-Safe reporting system immediately after you are vaccinated. This will help to catch any trending symptoms after receiving the vaccine. Click this link to monitor your state and local vaccine status.