The Importance of Waiting: Why Young People Should Consider Marriage Before Parenthood Introduction

The Importance of Waiting: Why Young People Should Consider Marriage Before Parenthood

In today’s fast-paced world, the traditional pathway of love, marriage, and then children often feels like an outdated concept.

However, it’s essential to take a step back and consider the challenges and potential pitfalls of having children before marriage.

It’s not just about following tradition; it’s about setting a foundation for a more stable and fulfilling life.

This blog explores the disadvantages, legal implications, and various challenges of early parenthood without marriage. We also highlight why you are worthy of commitment and why waiting for the right time can lead to a more prosperous future.

To illustrate these points, we’ll look at two contrasting examples from the world of high-profile relationships: a well know singer and his longtime girlfriend, versus Robert and Sheila Johnson, founders of BET (Black Entertainment Television).

Disadvantages of Getting Pregnant Before Marriage

1. Financial Strain

Raising a child is expensive. The costs include healthcare, education, childcare, and daily living expenses. For young people who are still figuring out their careers or might be pursuing higher education, these financial burdens can be overwhelming. Marriage often provides combined financial stability, where both partners can contribute to household expenses and savings.

2. Educational and Career Setbacks

Parenting is a full-time job that demands significant time and energy. Balancing parenthood with education or career development is extremely challenging and often leads to either dropping out of school or compromising on job opportunities. This can delay personal and professional growth, making it harder to achieve long-term goals.

3. Social and Emotional Challenges

Single parenting, or parenting outside of marriage, can lead to social stigma and emotional stress. Young parents might face judgment from peers, family, and society. The lack of a committed partner can also mean less emotional support, making the journey more isolating and stressful.

4. Instability and Uncertainty

Marital relationships often come with a level of commitment that provides stability. Without this commitment, there is a higher risk of relationship instability, which can lead to emotional distress for both the parents and the child. Stability is crucial for a child’s development, and a secure, loving environment is often easier to provide within the bounds of marriage.

5. Legal Complications

Legalities around child custody, support, and parental rights can become complex without the legal framework of marriage. Unmarried parents might face difficulties in securing child support or navigating custody arrangements, which can lead to prolonged legal battles and additional stress.

Case Studies

A renowned music mogul, had an on-and-off relationship with Kim Porter for over a decade. They had three children together but never married. Despite his immense wealth, she, while certainly benefiting from his support, did not have the same financial security and legal protection that marriage could have provided.

When she passed away, the legal complexities surrounding the custody and inheritance rights of their children highlighted the challenges of their unmarried status. Her financial dependency on his and the lack of a formalized marriage left her without the personal wealth that marriage might have facilitated.

Robert and Sheila Johnson

In contrast, Robert and Sheila Johnson, the founders of BET, started their journey together through marriage. They built their empire collectively, and Sheila played a pivotal role in the success of BET. When the company was sold for $3 billion, Sheila emerged as a millionaire in her own right. Despite their eventual divorce, Sheila’s marriage to Robert Johnson provided her with financial stability and a platform to continue building her wealth and influence independently.
Advantages for Sheila Johnson:

*Co-ownership and Business Partnership: Marriage facilitated a partnership in which Sheila could co-own and contribute to the success of BET. This co-ownership meant she shared equally in the financial rewards of the business venture.

*Financial Security and Growth: Sheila had access to the combined financial resources and investments of the marriage, allowing her to build significant personal wealth. Marriage provided a stable economic base, enabling her to take financial risks that paid off in the long run.

*Shared Responsibilities: The marriage allowed for shared responsibilities in both personal and professional aspects. This collaborative approach helped Sheila balance her career and personal life more effectively.

*Legal Protections: As a married couple, Sheila had legal rights to the assets and investments made during their marriage. This included a share in the proceeds from the sale of BET, contributing to her becoming a millionaire.

*Supportive Partnership: The emotional and strategic support from her spouse helped Sheila navigate the complexities of running a major business. The mutual support and collaboration fostered a stronger business and personal relationship.

This example underscores the potential for personal growth and financial security that a committed, married relationship can offer. Sheila’s wealth and continued success are, in part, a result of the partnership and commitment that marriage provided.

Legal Considerations

1. Parental Rights and Custody

Without marriage, parental rights and custody arrangements can be complicated. Courts typically need to establish paternity, which can be a lengthy process, and custody decisions can become contentious. Married parents often have more straightforward legal rights concerning their children.

2. Child Support

Unmarried parents may need to go through legal proceedings to establish child support obligations. This can lead to delays in receiving necessary financial support, affecting the child’s well-being.

3. Inheritance and Benefits

Children born to married parents often have clearer rights to inheritances and benefits from both parents. Without marriage, there may be legal hurdles that complicate access to these entitlements.

The Value of Commitment

1. Deserving of a Committed Partner

Every individual deserves to be in a relationship where there is mutual respect, love, and commitment. Committing to each other through marriage before starting a family demonstrates a willingness to work together to overcome challenges and build a life together. This foundation is vital for a stable and nurturing environment for children.

2. Creating a Stronger Bond

Marriage isn’t just a legal contract; it is a deep commitment to each other. This bond provides a sense of security and partnership that is beneficial for raising children. When both partners are committed, they are more likely to work through difficulties, providing a stable and loving environment for their family.

3. Fostering a Sense of Security

Marriage provides a legal and emotional framework that helps partners feel more secure in their relationship. This security translates into a stable family environment, which is crucial for the healthy development of children.

Encouraging a Thoughtful Approach to Parenthood

1. Focus on Personal Development

Use your youth to explore, learn, and grow. Invest in your education, career, and personal interests. This period is crucial for building the skills and resources that will help you be a better partner and parent in the future.

2. Prioritize Healthy Relationships

Focus on building healthy, respectful relationships. Take the time to understand what you want in a partner and ensure that you are with someone who values and respects you. Healthy relationships are built on communication, trust, and mutual respect.

3. Plan for the Future

Think long-term. Understand the responsibilities and challenges of parenthood and ensure that you are emotionally, financially, and socially prepared. Planning for the future includes considering marriage as a step toward creating a stable family environment.


Deciding to wait until marriage before having children isn’t just about tradition; it’s about creating a secure and stable future for yourself and your potential children. The commitment and stability that marriage offers can help lay a strong foundation for a happy and fulfilling life.

Remember, you are worthy of a partner who is committed to you and willing to build a future together. Take the time to build a strong relationship and ensure that you are ready for the joys and challenges of parenthood when the time is right.

Just like Sheila Johnson, who built a legacy alongside her husband and emerged as a millionaire, you too can achieve great things with a committed partner by your side. On the other hand, the story of the singer and his girlfriend serves as a reminder of the complexities and insecurities that can arise without the legal and emotional foundation of marriage.

Embrace your worth, make thoughtful decisions, and build a future that reflects your values and dreams. Waiting for the right time and the right person can lead to a more fulfilling and prosperous life for you and your future family.

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